test: KRACH+GETÖSE ENG 0% fertig1 von 3 Band / project details: Band / project name * At least 51% of the project members are registered residents in Hamburg or the metropolitan area. * yes If you’re unsure whether your neighborhood is part of the Hamburg metropolitan region, just apply and we’ll check for you. All band / project members are at least 18 years old on the day of the application deadline (April 7th, 2024) * yes The band / project has been active for a maximum of five years (date of the first release) * yes The band / project has released an album / EP (digital, CD, vinyl, etc.) 24 months prior to the application period (March 12th, 2024) * yes Website Social media profile * (Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, TikTok, Youtube…) Social media profile (Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, TikTok, Youtube…) Social media profile (Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, TikTok, Youtube…) Promotional photo * Drop file here or click the button to upload Choose file Maximale Dateigröße: 2MB Formats: JPG or PNG max. 2 MB Falls Du menschlich bist, lasse dieses Feld leer.